Wilbroad Gatei Gachoka at Parliament.  Photo | RMS
Wilbroad Gatei Gachoka at Parliament.  Photo | RMS

Wilbroad Gatei Gachoka former owner of Kilig appeared before National assembly PIC with Jubilee Vice Chair David Murathe over KEMSA heist.

Wilbroad Gachoka former Kilig owner said, " The people who bought the company are my friends, but I negotiated with one person. Murathe was a guarantor because of his stature in society, as Chinese culture respects authority. Chinese would find it offensive to have something in writing."

Public Investments Committee chairman and Mvita MP Abdullswamad Nassir asked, "You sold a company 4 months after forming and a week after getting a commitment letter worth Ksh. 4 B."

 Wilbroad Gachoka reacted, " I sold it for nominal shares, it was a liability, not an opportunity. We transferred shares when the letter demonstrating the financial ability of Collins Bush came."

Wilbroad Gachoka the former owner of Kilig added, " I think I am still a signatory of Kilig financial account. I ceased being a shareholder of Kilig. Once we transferred the company to Bush, he was unable to make the fulfillment of being able to supply these kits to KEMSA. "

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