Saturday, July 27, 2024

God’s finger is on me, says Ringtone after being beaten by DJ Mo on size 8 album launch


Ringtone and size 8 fight in church

Drama ensued on Sunday at Panari Hotel at the takeoff of Size 8’s new album as Ringtone and DJ Mo go physical.

The problem began when Ringtone pushed his way to the pulpit where pastors had planned to pray for the album.

At the pulpit, Ringtone forced his way. However, he was told that only pastors were allowed but he claimed to be equally a minister.

The Zoea Mawe hitmaker was later kicked out of the pulpit. The angry artist went straight to address the press outside the hotel. Later, he was stopped and frogmarched away from the launch venue by DJ Mo.

“I went to the stage and Size 8 chased me away. I want to tell Size 8 that I have an anointing that has nourished me this long. We also have the powers to dedicate her album.

“It is not vaseline or kerosine, what I have had for all those years is the anointing of God,” he told the press.

He also declared to have set aside a Ksh 200,000 cash gift to Size 8.

“I wanted to give her Ksh200,000 but Size 8 has not shown me the respect I deserve.

“I’m a servant of God. I’m not someone you can throw out of the stage. God’s finger is on me. I’m an anointed. Those pastors don’t even help us get to where we should be, yet they are elevated above everyone else,” he added.