At least 2000 people are stranded at Kasarani after the Uhuru Kenyatta inauguration ceremony. The people who were ferried across the country where Jubilee party provided buses have been seeking support from well-wishers and friends who stay in Nairobi after the coordinators disappeared and switched off phones.
The supporters mainly from Coast, Western and some parts of the Central region have been doomed by the fact that they planned to and fro transport the function but the coordinators did the contrary.
Speaking after the function, Jubilee supporters have been asking the government to support them at least with something to eat. The swearing-in ceremony ended at around 3 PM and since then the transport co-ordinators from different regions have switched off their phones.
Kathi express, Buscar ltd, Kinatwa Sacco, Kukena and more Saccos were contracted to ferry people from their regions. The bus companies and the Saccos have denied given such mandate and plea the Jubilee party to think what to do to save the situation. They demanded to be paid before carrying the supporters back home.
“My child is hungry, we were told there will be food but actually nothing has been provided. No allowance or nothing. The Jubilee officials have also disappeared. We don’t know what to do now.” A jubilee supporters said.
The supporters want the other colleagues left at home to look for ways of assisting them with either friends in Nairobi or closer to Nairobi for one night stand before soliciting ways of going back to their respective homes.