Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kilifi Talanta search group officials clash over affirmative fund and Nominees

Kilifi got talent initiative 2019. PHOTO | BANA
Kilifi got talent initiative 2019. PHOTO | BANA

Kilifi talent search officials clash over nominees and funds. It is alleged that some of the officials colluded with county government officials and got funds using the backdoor. Some officials allegedly used their positions to push for certain candidates(nominees).
Our insiders indicate that the Affirmative Action Social Development Fund that the Kilifi got talent was not used according to their strategic plans. 
Kilifi got talent initiative 2019. PHOTO | BANA
“There are few officials who want their girlfriends or boyfriends be nominated without following the due process. The officials are divided because of the funding from the Women Representative office and youth office from the county, ” he said but he insisted to be anonymous.

” Those are the people who want the project dead. We are firm and nobody has blamed any official in terms of Nominees or finances. ” Jay Mwaringa said. The same statements were echoed by a Coast-based artist Hinzano love.
” The group has at least enabled our youth to expose their talents. We believe in the next few years we will have a top artist coming from Kilifi. I got good progress from my CECs and Chief officers who update me on the current states. I will also pay a visit, ” Kilifi governor Amason Kingi said.