Saturday, July 27, 2024

Lamu Police officers tied and beaten by angry villagers alleged of harassment and stealing phones

 Two Police officers in Lamu were beaten by villagers. The Police officers alleged to be harassing villagers. The same officers robbed some villagers before the incident.  They were alleged to have stolen phones and harassing residents.

The police officers on patrol in Mararani were beaten and later tied up on Sunday by residents who accused them of harassment.

Lamu county commissioner Irungu Macharia said on Monday investigations are underway and arrests have been made. The information provided by officials and residents differs wildly.

Macharia said the unarmed plainclothes police were on patrol and stopped a man carrying a suspicious bag. “He refused [to surrender it] and started screaming. Locals are said to have overpowered the officers, beaten them and tied them up. One officer lost Sh7,000.

The man claimed the officers took his phone,” Macharia said.
“We have arrested all of them and are probing the matter,” he said.

Two Police officers tied up by Angry villagers in Lamu. PHOTO | BNC
Two Police officers tied up by Angry villagers in Lamu. PHOTO | BNC

Residents said two officers visited a drinking den in the village on Sunday and then harassed residents. They said the officers demanded that everyone identify themselves and produce their IDs, which offended villagers.

Those who refused were beaten up, the officers also attacked a youth, stole his phone and beat him up, the villagers said. The attack on the youth, who screamed for help, prompted the villagers to attack the officers and pummel them.

They tied them and marched them to the Nyumba Kumi officer’s office. He called the police to pick them up. Nyumba Kumi elder William Diwa said heavily armed police officers then descended on the village and beat up residents. They arrested 10 men and took them to the Lamu police station.