Saturday, July 27, 2024

“It’s sweet in the salt water ” upcountry ladies dish nunus at the Indian ocean -Holidays

JKUAT student wears her underwear after dishing her nunu in the Ocean at Diani, Kwale PHOTO | BMS
A university student wears her underwear after dishing her nunu in the Ocean at Diani, Kwale PHOTO | BMS

It’s so sweet at the beach. Ladies from the country had to make love at the Indian Ocean to confirm the rumors that “it’s sweet at the beach”.

Hidden cameras could identify a number of ladies who made love at the beach during the Christmas and Newyear festive seasons.
Some could be seen being loosely held based on their strength in the Indian Ocean. 
” It’s really sweet doing it in the water. Having S£X in the Indian ocean is very exciting. The Men who are showing/training you how to swim end up eating your nunu in the salt waters, ” A JKUAT student narrates.
” A friend told me to try these coastal men. They really strike hard in the waters. I felt like giving in more and more. You feel like you are on the clouds. As the Nunu getting it hotter in the ocean the striking force makes it better with the ocean tides, ” A lady from Kilgoris explained.