Saturday, July 27, 2024

Cut, Copy and Paste, Find and Replace computer commands inventor Larry Tesler dies at 74

copy, cut and paste founder Larry Tesler. PHOTO | Getty
copy, cut and paste founder Larry Tesler. PHOTO | Getty

Computer inventors are now reducing. Larry Tesler, an icon of early computing, has died at the age of 74 in the US.

Mr Tesler began working in Silicon Valley in the early 1960s, at a time when computers were rare to the broad majority of people.

His innovations include; the “cut”, “copy” and “paste” “find & replace”, and more,  commands – that the personal computer became simple to learn and use.

After graduating, he specialised in user interface design – that is, making computer systems more user-friendly.

He worked for a number of major tech giant firms during his long career. He started at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (Parc) before Steve Jobs stole him for Apple, where he spent 17 years and rose to a chief scientist.

The command was incorporated in Apple’s software on the Lisa computer in 1983, and the original Macintosh that was released the following year.
One of Mr Tesler’s firmest beliefs was that computer systems should stop using “modes”, which were common in software design at the time.

“Modes” allow users to switch between functions on software and apps but make computers both time-consuming and complicated.

At his death, his strength was this belief that Mr Tesler’s website was called “”, his Twitter handle was “@nomodes”, and even his car’s license plate was “No Modes” because he believed No modes.