Saturday, July 27, 2024

State uses up to Sh 1 Million per Coronavirus patient in 21 days

Kenyatta National Hospital COVID-19 patients beds
Kenyatta National Hospital COVID-19 patients ward.

Coronavirus patients may use approximately Sh 1 Million in treatment per person in 21 days.  The cost in 21 days is estimated from the equipment required in handling and treating the patients.

Out of the 270 plus patients who tested positive, the government has spent over Sh 250 Million in treatment and quarantine.
According to Health Principal Secretary Susan Mochache, one personal protective equipment (PPE) kit costs about Ksh.20,000 and it is used for a single session per patient.

This means each time a doctor visits a COVID-19 patient he/she discards that protective gear and due to the special medical care required, a doctor could visit the patient several times in a day. 
One pat, therefore, therefore uses PPE kits worth Ksh.100,000 to Ksh.140,000 in a day.

The bill is further escalated by the bed charges with the Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) charging Ksh.4,000 per night in the isolation wards.

In addition, food, medicine, and other services will increase the cost further depending on how long a patient hospitalized.

Dr. Samuel Njenga, an infectious disease expert at KNH, in an interview said it cost about Ksh.800,000 to keep Brenda Ivy Cherotich at Kenyatta Hospital for three weeks and Ksh.490,000 for Brian Orinda.