Saturday, July 27, 2024

Caroline Mutoko blames men unhygienic acts as the cause for COVID-19 surge, here are real reasons outlined

Radio Personality Caroline Mutoko
Radio Personality Caroline Mutoko.

Really Women empowerment moved from late Prof. Wangari Maathai, Martha Karua, Charity Ngilu and late Lona and Joyce Laboso to feminists and socialites like Caroline Mutoko, Huddah Monroe, Vera Sidika, Njoki Ndung’u and another bunch of Feminists.

Among other feminists are the likes of Sheila Mwanyigha, Zipporah Kittony, Nyiva Mwendwa, Lillian Muli and Betty Kyalo.  Who all have the same characteristics.

However, the majority feminists don’t seek to empower women. They just hate men out of their personal experience and depression.

There are several reasons why most men are contracting the virus as compared to women apart from what Caroline Mutoko is saying Men are unhygienic because they do not take shower.

More than 1000 Men who contracted the disease are truck drivers. How many women in Kenya are truck drivers?

The Majority of Men work for their house wives, children among other dependents.

How many working Women, work for their house-husbands and children?

That shows more Men go out there to provide for their families. Men are highly exposed thus making them be at a higher risk.

” How we went from having Wangari Maathai to Caroline Mutoko, Vera Sidika and Huddah as our young girls’ mentors is an indication of where our society is headed, ” African voice official said.

The real reason why our men are more susceptible to Coronavirus is that men are the majority of breadwinners in most families all over the world.

They go out hustling for their wives and kids. How many women go out to hustle for their men and children?