Friday, July 26, 2024

Fake lawyers flood Meru courts with false documents denying and delaying justice -Meru Bar head Muriuki

Meru Bar Association Chairman Ken Muriuki
Meru Bar Association Chairman Ken Muriuki. PHOTO | NMG
Fake lawyers flood Meru courts with false documents which are used to extort the public. They have invaded the town representing different people in-land and Miraa matters in Court.-
The Lawyers in Meru County through Meru Bar Association Chairman Ken Muriuki have raised a red flag over the intrusion into the field by impostors who are swindling claimants while purporting to represent them in various cases.
Mr Ken Muriuki says the impostors usually cause unnecessary impediments in various conflicts where most clients lose.
Speaking at the Maua DCIO office in Igembe South, the lawyers said the rogues have invaded the town famous for miraa trade owing to the numerous land cases and are promising customers positive results.
“They have been drawing documents and representing clients purporting to be advocates which is illegal. There are so many quacks in Maua who are taking advantage of the residents and thus they lose property,” said Mr Muriuki.
He said a hawk-eyed resident pointed out that a man who was not a lawyer was seeking to represent residents in a land dispute.

Mr Muriuki advised litigators to conduct a personal audit and verify the people they plan to contract as lawyers have a list of people who are authorised to act on behalf of court users.
Mt Kenya Bar Association Chairperson Linda Kiome said the issue has affected service delivery in many courts since many cases had to be stopped midway once it was discovered that a phoney was handling a matter.
Last year, a man disguising as a lawyer was jailed for 18 months.