Saturday, July 27, 2024

Cleophas Malala writes to Matiang’i, Mutyambai, Lusaka, Hajji, Kinoti citing assassination from a secret squad

Senator Cleaphas Malala
Kakamega Senator Cleophas Malala. FILE



Kakamega Senator Cleophas Malala says there is an elite squad formed to finish him.

The Senate Deputy Minority leader claims that ‘an assassination secret squad’ has been created to eliminate him.

He has written to Interior CS Fred Matiangi, Police IG Hillary Mutyambai and DCI boss George Kinoti to beef up his security and investigate the squad.

The vocal lawmaker has also written to Senate Speaker Kenneth Lusaka over what he termed as real and credible threats to ‘harm, injure, eliminate or assassinate me.’

“I now request your office to take immediate action to enhance the security detail assigned to me, including additional security provided immediately to my family and my residences in Kakamega and Nairobi,” Malala said on Wednesday.

“We await your immediate positive action to enhance my security detail so as to guard against this illegality and threat to my life, a Member of Parliament and the Senate.”

Earlier, Malala and Meru senator Mithika Linturi had claimed that their accounts had been frozen, an action they linked to their stand on the revenue formula. However, the Kenya Revenue Authority later cleared Malala.

In the letter to Mutyambai and Kinoti and copied to Lusaka, Attorney General Paul Kihara and CS Matiangi, Malala, through Malalah and Company Advocates, alleged a secret and specialized squad has been formed to eliminate him.

“We are aware that a secret and specialised squad of the Special Service Unit (SSU) has been recently formed with express instructions to “keep an eye on/eliminate Senator Cleophas Wakhungu Malalah,” reads the letter.

The letters also named five secret officers of the “Bravo Zulu Yankee” squad, a vehicle they have assigned together with the number plate and guns they intend to use to kill him.

“We are further reliably informed that the same squad of police assassins tasked to eliminate our Client has also held several meetings at Eaton Hotel in Thika town,” he said.

“What is unnervingly clear is that a squad of assassin policemen has been recently formed from within the elite unit and specifically tasked to assassinate or eliminate our Client,” reads the letter, which has been received by the IG, the Interior Ministry, Senate clerk and speaker.

“This squad of police assassins assigned to eliminate our Client has been given a Total petrol fuel card for use during their operation to track down and eliminate Hon. Senator Cleophas Malalah,” the letter further reads.

“We demand that you immediately commence investigations to ascertain if there are rogue policemen or elements in the SSU,” reads the letter.

The senator threatened legal action against Kinoti and Mutyambai if they fail to act on his demands within seven days.

“You can be guaranteed to face a barrage of appropriate legal proceedings against you and your office for any further illegal actions following this notice, all of which will be without any further or other references to you in default of your compliance,” Malala said.