Saturday, July 27, 2024

Raila tagged me Watermelon then ended up with expensive 47 Mini-Presidents constitution -Kalonzo Musyoka


Kalonzo Musyoka on CitizenTV
Wiper Boss Kalonzo Musyoka. FILE


Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka says its time to review the 2010 Constitution but requested to use non-contested referendum approach.
Kalonzo says his view on amending the supreme law of the land is that the move must not trigger divisions among Kenyans.

“As I said in 2010, I preferred and I still prefer a non-contested referendum if we have to review this constitution the way we are going,” Kalonzo said in an interview with Citizen TV on Friday night.

The Wiper boss lamented that ‘in a hurry by people’ to get the 2010 Constitution Kenyans failed to listen to other views, which he said could have strengthened the document.

Kalonzo said those who branded him a ‘watermelon’ during the lead up to the heated referendum in 2010, failed to appreciate his reservations which he said have now come to pass.

He said the ‘Watermelon tag’, was fashioned by his rivals who wanted to capitalise on his neutral position on the Constitutional review push to undermine his political future.

“Those against me came out guns blazing and that is what they did and gave me the tag. The tag was given to me by my friend Raila Odinga but when I ran as deputy president twice in 2013 and 2017 I did not hear the Watermelon,” the Wiper boss said.

“With the hurry, we ended up creating the office of Cabinet secretaries with no deputies forcing the president now years down the line to create non-existent posts of Chief Administrative secretaries,” Kalonzo said.

The ex-VP said if political players could have taken time in 2010 to listen to others like him and the church, then they could easily have delivered a perfect document for Kenyans.

“Had we listened to me and others who had issues, we could not have ended up with the most expensive structure of governance in the country with 47 mini-president called governors,” Kalonzo said.