Saturday, July 27, 2024

How a Trans Nzoia man found dead at his girlfriends’ place while sitting on a sofa


Police officers do not cross line photo


Wamuini area Police officers in Trans Nzoia West are probing events encircling the death of a middle-aged man, who was discovered dead in his girlfriend’s house on Wednesday, September 30.

Trans Nzoia County officer in charge of operations, Chemonges Ndiema, said that the man to spend Tuesday night at the girlfriend’s place but on Wednesday morning he was found dead on a couch.

The officer stated the deceased’s lover said in her statement that the boyfriend had Tuesday night cried of stomach pains and that she even gave him over-the-counter drugs.

“He had no visible injuries. We have taken his body to Cherengany Nursing Home morgue, where a postmortem will be conducted to ascertain the cause of his death,” said Ndiema.

“We can’t immediately share his identification details because we are not sure whether the next of kin have been informed of his death,” he added.