Saturday, July 27, 2024

Police officer Caren Kamwara co-wife Nancy Kerubo dies after suspected food poisoning -Buruburu


Police investigations


Police officers in Buruburu are probing a case in which a police officer’s co-wife died in unclear circumstances on Saturday.

The husband, Victor Maranga, said his wife, Nancy Kerubo, had gone to KNH to visit a sick child and came back very late.

She heated some food, which had been cooked by her co-wife, Caren Kamwara, an officer assigned to Villa Police Post in Embakasi.

An hour later, she began grieving of stomach ache and vomiting. She died in the house before being taken to the hospital.

“Police found the body lying on the floor. The food remains and clothes she vomited on kept have been kept as exhibits and samples taken to the Government Chemist,” BuruBuru Sub-County police boss Adamson Bungei said.