Saturday, July 27, 2024

Chief suspect who shot 9 times Chief Inspector Henry Odongo has been arrested

 Detectives arrest the chief suspect on the murder of Chief Inspector Henry Odongo four years who disappeared.

Albert Lelei Ntuitai was arrested on Saturday evening by DCI detectives.

Director George Kinoti said the late Chief Inspector Odongo was the OCS Muthithi Police Station in Kigumo, Murang’a County.

“The suspect then a Police driver had on June 26th 2016, walked into the station’s report office, picked a dispute with his boss and shot him 9 times in cold blood before disappearing, ” Kinoti said.

Albert Lelei Ntuitai arrested photo

“But he would not hide for long before the long arm of the law finally caught up with him.”

Kinoti said detectives from the Crime Research and Intelligence Bureau have been on his trail.

“He was pulled out of his hideout in Senetoi, Narok South. Previous attempts to arrest him had proved futile after he escaped our trap for several times,” Kinoti said.