Saturday, July 27, 2024

Diamond Platinumz gets Kenyan brother artist Davis Nyange after late Mzee Salum Iddy Nyange row


New Mzee Nyange family
Diamond Platinumz new claimed brothers.


Kenyan artist Davis Nyange reveals that he is the son of Mzee Salum Nyange from Tanzania.  

Diamond Platinumz mother said Mzee Abdul Juma was not his biological father but Mzee Salum Iddy Nyange.

Through his Instagram page, he said that he wondering who was his father.

“God has his time to answer prayers, man, I have always been very confused with this name Davis Nyange without knowing where my family is and I can’t figure out how to grow up, ” he said.

” I am the only Kenyan with the name NYANGE! Thank you very much mama Dear brothers @diamondplatnumz NYANGE we are in Kenya, ” he added.

The Move comes after a row at the Diamond Platinumz family over his real Dad.

“If the mother said she is not my child then there is no need for DNA, ” said Mzee Abdul Juma.

“He says I’m his father.  Despite being with him for all those years, there is no problem. What if I Abandon a Pregnancy? Why did I raise the child?” he added.

“And why do they say that because he uses my name in all the IDs, I believe even in all his contracts, and some people say DNA issues. I can’t force anything when the mother is the one who knows and she is everything I can’t force to test ” he added.