Saturday, July 27, 2024

Form 3 girl stab two teachers badly leaving them fighting for their lives in Kisii


Teachers beaten by student in Kisii photo


Police officers probe circumstances under which a student allegedly stabbed two teachers at Kisii School.

One of the teachers, Edwin Mokaya, sustained extensive wounds in the forehead after the Form 3 student is said to have beaten him after rejected to be punished for reporting late to class.

The student alleged to have flashed a knife and stabbed the teacher in the head.

The second teacher Mr Elvis Maoto got injuries in the wrist when he tried to block the student from attacking Mokaya.

The school administration rushed the injured teachers to Ram Hospital in Kisii, where they are receiving treatment.

Ram Hospital administrator Enock Abobo they are attending to the two teachers.

“We are currently doing a primary assessment on the injuries as we start treatment,” he told journalists.

Kisii County Police Commander Jebel confirmed the incident, saying they have launched investigations.

“We have deployed a team of detectives to begin a probe,” he said.