Saturday, July 27, 2024

Raila Odinga blasts TSC for killing teacher unions like KNUT

ODM chief Raila Odinga photo
ODM chief Raila Odinga with Kitui Governor Charity Ngilu. FILE


ODM chief Raila Odinga assails the Teachers Service Commission(TSC) for allegedly killing the Kenya National Union of Teachers(KNUT).

In a long  ODM leader said: “Through a series of intentional actions, the TSC has disabled and is now en route to killing Knut.”

“The teachers may have been subdued and gone silent as a monumental movement they built from scratch since 1957, and which they took pride in, is brought to its knees. But they are certainly not happy,” said Raila on the day he marked his 76 birthday.

Since the handshake, Raila has been very soft on the government, a move that his supporters claim has weakened him ahead of 2022.

On Thursday, Raila asked the cause of intense disagreement slain a union in Kenya’s face on labour relations.

“A dispute between the Teachers Service Commission and the Kenya National Union of Teachers has increasingly deteriorated into a major misunderstanding that is threatening to kill an organisation long seen as the face of organised labour in Kenya,” he said.

Since the battle between KNUT and the TSC began in 2018, the membership of the union has shrunk from a high of 187,000 to 23,000, Raila said.