Friday, July 26, 2024

Ganze MP Teddy Mwambire meets Bamba OCS over security concerns and Police conduct

Ganze MP Teddy Mwambire paid a courtesy call at the Bamba Police Station


Ganze MP Teddy Mwambire paid a courtesy call at the Bamba Police Station where he met with both the OCS and Deputy OCS. 

They discussed several security concerns across the constituency including the issue of Kadzo Karisa Kalu (a Mnazi vendor from Kathoroni area in Mitangani location). 

The MP expressed his reservations on how the matter was handled by those who came across the unfortunate incidence last Thursday (11/2/2021) afternoon. 

By the time the MP visited the Police Station, the incidence had not been reported.

The MP contacted the affected vendor who came to the Police Station and formally lodged a complaint to allow investigations kick-off. 

Hon. Mwambire proposed an urgent sensitization meeting where the local administrators would be equipped with knowledge of where to report or advise affected persons to report in case of such unlawful occurrences in the community.

 “It’s very difficult to take action once the matter is not recorded by the required government authorities. Even though the public has been put at tense following what transpired last Thursday, there is nothing justified that can be taken seriously unless there is a recorded complaint at the Police Station, ” the MP said.

“Unfortunately, the business lady wasn’t advised on the legal aspect of handling her issues instead all those who contacted or visited her only condemned the vice but failed to direct her on the procedures to follow in addressing it for now and the future,” the MP said.

Ganze MP Teddy Mwambire paid a courtesy call at the Bamba Police Station

“It’s my great hope that immediately after the other witnesses record their statements, investigations will kick off and the truth will be revealed, ” the legislator added.

” Action must be taken to all those who were involved in such a heinous attack to madam Kadzo Karisa Kalu who has ever since been struggling for her family, ” he said.

” Rogue officers should refrain from taking advantage of our community’s ignorance to exploit them. Proper mechanisms will be employed to unearth all malpractices and all those found culpable will face the law,” the MP added.