Saturday, July 27, 2024

New Crack!! Coastal governors clash over Kingi’s new party and Joho ODM Presidential push


Kilifi governor Amason Kingi and his Mombasa County counterpart Hassan Joho  photo

Kilifi governor Amason Kingi and his Mombasa County counterpart Hassan Joho held separate meetings on Saturday, February 20, with Kingi moving in with Coast MCAs and MPs while Joho concentrated on Senators and Women Representatives.

Amason Kingi told Standard News that he would unveil a new party at the Coast in March, and added that he was doing it for the people.

“People everywhere in the region are saying that they want the party. We have resolved that I bring the June deadline for the party forward to March,” said Kingi.

The Kilifi Governor held a consultative meeting with Members of the County Assembly (MCAs) from the coastal region.  Governor Joho held two rallies in Lamu for his presidential bid. 

The five coastal region governors Hassan Joho (Mombasa), Amason Kingi (Kilifi), Granton Samboja (Taita Taveta), Fahim Twaha (Lamu) and Dhadho Godana (Tana River) had earlier agreed to hold joint rallies as from Saturday, February 20, to popularise and push for a common party. 

However, Hassan Joho looked to be a lone ranger in his bid with some Senators, Women Representatives, Nominated members among few others. 

In his rallies in Lamu, Joho urged the residents to back him in his bid for the presidency using ODM ticket, saying that those who did not believe in him are in for a shock.


“Those who think that my presidential ambition is a joke should know that the journey has just begun,” said Mr Joho.

Governor Joho was accompanied by Kilifi Senator Stewart Madzayo, Issa Boy (Kwale), Mombasa’s Mohamed Fakii, Kilifi Woman Rep Gertrude Mbeyu, nominated Senator Christine Zawadi and Mombasa Woman Rep Asha Hussein.

The rally was organized by former Lamu governor Issa Timamy and KANU Woman Representative Ruweida Mohammed.

Kingi says will seek to reach out to Members of Parliament and MCAs to have them join him in his new party bid.

“We will ask all the leaders to drop their ambitions for the sake of the region. We will then decide who to work with, and if they will support us for the top seat, or we support them and on what terms,” said Kingi.