Saturday, July 27, 2024

Western region MCAs demand the removal of a degree requirement in 2022 polls or shoot down BBI

Western Leaders meeting at Kakamega photo


Western Region MCAs now demand the removal of the undergraduate degree requirement in the forthcoming general election.

The MCAs demand the assemblies abolish the Elections Act 22 to vote for the Building Bridges Initiative report. 

Speaking after the western leaders meeting, the MCAs demanded that the requirement be scrapped off as the country prepares for polls.

They warned that despite their votes at the county assembly, they will rally behind their community during the referendum to vote NO if the elections act will still prevail. 

The 270 MCAs also highlighted the revision of the Election Act Section 22 and asked that the Bill be discontinued altogether.

Election Act Section 22 orders that minimum academic qualifications for MPs and MCAs to have a minimum bachelor’s degree before they are allowed to contest.