Saturday, July 27, 2024

Willy Paul reports a fan ” Ruth ” to Police claiming to be pregnant after a steamy night


Liar hitmaker Willy Paul photo

Liar hitmaker Willy Paul takes the legal route in defending himself against defamation of his character and brand.

On Monday, Willy Paul reported at Central police station that a young female fan by the name of Ruth, who claimed she got pregnant after a steamy night.

The report was made early this month even before the matter went public on February 3. The police recorded it on the occurrence book as “defamation”.

 Ruth admitted to having been arrested but later released unconditionally.

“The arrest began as a set-up. I was told to go for an Interview in one of the leading TV stations for a lifestyle show. I trusted them, so when I went for ‘shooting’ at TRM, that’s where I was arrested.”

Ruth added that she was detained for more than eight hours.

“Willy Paul was not with the police, he came later at the station,” she said.

“They wanted cash bail, I didn’t have money, so I don’t know why I was released because it got to a point I was released.”

Willy Paul on the other hand says he took the legal action to clear his name.

“At the station, the girl mentioned everyone that sent her to ruin my name. It is some upcoming producers,” the singer