Saturday, July 27, 2024

COVID-19 jabs for Sale, Some Kenyan health care workers sell a Vaccine jab at $1000


COVID-19 Vaccines in Kenya

Hundreds of well-connected individuals have already been given the coronavirus vaccination before it was their turn through backdoors and graft.

Some rogue health facilities have been administering the vaccines to people not eligible for the phase one priority list after being given some cash.

Some of the recipients had to pay for the jab which the government is freely giving to frontline workers.

The order of vaccination is organised by the Ministry of Health. Medics, teachers and non-teaching staff, police and armed forces and those working in the ports of entry were to be vaccinated first.

However,  businessmen and politicians from around the country have found a way to receive the jab early with pay.

While some are using their connections with health workers others are paying up to Sh100,000 to secretly receive early shots.

In the last few days, there have been long queues at public facilities especially Mbagathi District Hospital in Nairobi and Mama Lucy where the vaccine is being administered.

The vaccine is offered in selected public and private health facilities.

The state received 1.02 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine on March 3 through Covax and an additional 100,000 doses from the Government of India.

“I think somewhere along the line we seem to have developed some confusion that anybody can walk into a vaccination centre and get vaccines. I want to make it very clear, those carrying out vaccination will have to account for every dose that they have used and that dose that they have used must be matched against an eligible person,” Kagwe said.