Saturday, July 27, 2024

Esther Wanjiku Githae, 36, charged in court for burning her husband for going home late


Esther Wanjiku Githae,36,  photo

Esther Wanjiku Githae,36,  charged in court for burning her husband’s face and chest using hot water for arriving home late.

She is claimed on July 5, 2021, at around 2100hrs at Kagira area within Dagoreti sub-county in Nairobi County unjustly assailed Peter Kariuki causing bodily injury.

According to a police officers report, the husband knocked on the door at around 9 pm on a crucial day, his wife quickly splattered hot water on his face and chest upon opening the door.

With grief, the complainant was obliged to move to his neighbour’s house where he spent the night.

The next morning, the complainant reported the incident at Matini Police Post and progressed to Riruta Health Centre where he was treated and released.

On July 7, 2021, neighbours communicated to the OCS Kabete on doubt that the woman would escape. The OCS then sent police officers who arrested her.

She appeared before Kibera Senior Principal Magistrate Monica Maroro and responded not guilty and was freed on ksh10, 000 cash bail.

“I have considered the fact that the accused has denied the offence, and the prosecution has not objected to the release of the suspect on bail. I, therefore, grant her a cash bail of ksh10,000 with an alternative bond of ksh20,000, ” Magistrate Monica Mararo ruled.