Saturday, July 27, 2024

Landlord blasts tenant for vacating at night without paying rent, orders night auction

ULandlord catches tenant leaving at night. Phopto
Drama ensued in Githurai 45 Nairobi after a man living in one of the local estates was caught emptying his house at night by the landlord.
The man had declined to pay three months rent and wanted to relocate at night to avoid the debts as well as without the knowledge of the Landlord.
However, the landlord ensnared grabbed all his household items and began a night auction to pay himself the rent.
“Boss you have decided to vacate without telling me,” said the landlord.
The landlord argued that he was to set to terms with the three months rent arrears before he could be permitted to vacate.
It was noted that the man had a pattern of vacating from the plots where he resided at night to avoid paying rent.
The event drew the attention of other tenants, who assembled to witness the free drama as the enjoy late-night equipment auction prices.
All his items were returned to the house and the man left an empty-handed living auction going on.