Saturday, July 27, 2024

Why Kilifi County need a sober leadership free from drama and cluelessness

Speaker Jimmy Kahindi for Kilifi county race
Since the Court of Appeal ruling on BBI on people have glimpsed very funny and  unspeakable level of ignorance from people who hold public Office. 
This cluelessness portrayed by Malindi Mp Aisha Jumwa and her lieutenants from an earlier video replayed and re-shared in the public domain since the Appellant Court’s ruling on Friday verify her lack of not only basic law but basic fact, common sense and irrationality. 
Why the people of Kilifi can be worried by such a leader who lacks basic skills of both basic law, public finance and governance and common sense? 
Having a dramatic Governor and who lacks integrity can mess up with the county in totality should she be given a chance to govern the county of Kilifi. 
She will disobey the principles of public participation, principles of public finance and management, impair the rule of law and in a two years period the county may end in crisis. 
The end will be subjecting the county boss to impeachment due to violation of the public  finance management Act and violation of the law.
She is among the leaders on DPP radar who stole public money with a case still pending in court to be mentioned in January 2022.
Mr. Mike Muia who is the head of the Financial Crime Investigation Unit last year said four of the five bidders who wired money to her accounts in the ongoing investigations were close relatives of the MP including her son and daughter.
She is also the first suspect in the murder of Ngumbao Jola from Ganda Ward. Still the investigation is yet to be completed.  Is there any assurance that such actions will not be repeated? 
In the recent video that went viral on social media since the court ruling,  the Malindi Mp has been attacking Jimmy Kahindi who is the current Speaker of the county assembly of Kilifi against the BBI public participation forums.  
Though,  Speaker Jimmy Kahindi is an overseer across the 35 wards, the legislator forgets with or depicting high level of cluelessness that; 
1. that it is a constitutional duty of every assembly to look into the content of every bill and take it to the public. The public then decide on the bill. This process is referred to us public participation which is stipulated in the 2010 Constitution. People have to protect the rule of law and constitutionalism.
2. In this case out of all coast assembly it’s only on Kilifi that the bill was taken to all wards for consultation through public participation, other assembly’s rushed to pass the bill without consulting the public which amounts to violation of the tenets of public participation. Counties in Nyanza region did not do public participation including Tana River county. 
3. It should also be noted that Kaloleni ward rejected the contents of the BBI bill and that is what the assembly reported. 
4. The Speaker doesn’t have any room to influence decision he just presides over the debates of county assembly at every sitting of assembly or public participation.
5. The speaker was going round telling people the contents of the bill the people gave their feedback through their MCAs who reported the same at the County Assembly without any alteration whatsoever.
Therefore for one to place the blame on the speaker over BBI which was as a result of a handshake between Resident Uhuru Kenyatta and Rt Raila Odinga is a clear indication that they have shamefully failed to understand the roles of the speaker.
Such people will be a liability to the county should they be allowed to govern a county.
Such leaders could mess around with the rule of law and constitutionalism, fiscal policy and monetary policy of the county government and after a few years be impeached just like the case of Kiambu and Nairobi County.