Saturday, July 27, 2024

Stick Simple boy deny claims for being given Sh 2,000 instead of Sh 70,000 by his manager


Stivo Simple boy photo


Vocalist Stivo Simple Boy denies exploitation done by his management. There has been an underground battle of supremacy in the management.

The Kibera-based singer says he has good connections with his manager.

“I was shocked to see those allegations on Twitter. They are not true as I have never been exploited by my manager,” he said.

“The person who began that discussion must be trying to chase clout with my name.”

Screenshots distributed on social media alleged Stivo Simple Boy’s manager was paying him Sh2,000 instead of Sh70,000.

The news also indicated that Stivo Simple Boy does not live in a good house despite his position in society as a music star.

“I have been told he still lives in a muddy house in Kibera and, sometimes he fights to pay his rent,” the viral message said.