Saturday, July 27, 2024

Anakula mali safi… Mosop MP Abraham Kirwa exposed cuddling women causing a stir online

Mosop MP Abraham Kirwa alias  Chepchumbiat with women in Nairobi
Mosop MP Abraham Kirwa alias  Chepchumbiat begins his term on a wrong footing after being exposed to cuddling women in Nairobi while not set foot in his constituency. 
Constituents have been looking for their legislator in vain. 
The national government roads are in pathetic conditions while the MP is in Nairobi partying as described by area residents. 
” He was in muthaiga club, captured by DJ Lytha seducing a woman. Our mp is on a different mission,” a villager said. 
Mosop MP Abraham Kirwa alias  Chepchumbiat with women in Nairobi

The MP was captured in illicit positions with different women in the city clubs according to sources. 

Mosop MP Abraham Kirwa 2016 caused stir online when he posed in viral photos milking his cows every morning.  
In the village, getting the MP was quite simple as every morning he was milking his cows. However,  things changed after winning in the 2022 elections.