Saturday, July 27, 2024

Nyakuro High School English teacher jumps into a 100-foot well over trailing women and debts

On February 19, a high school teacher in Nyamira County, Kenya, took his own life by jumping into a well near the Tinga market. He was found dead the next day.

The decomposing corpse of the dead individual, who had worked as an English instructor at Nyakuro High School, was found floating on the water reservoir. A letter stating that the deceased intended to commit suicide was also found by the cops.

In the message, he disclosed that he had received death threats from the same lady on several occasions, and she had made it clear that she intended to carry out her threat.

a high school teacher in Nyamira County takes his life over debts

“After I received a death threat through text message from (name withheld), who said that taking my life would not be a big issue, I have not been happy. ” He stated in the letter, “She will clarify why she desires me killed.”

The decedent said that his life had taken an unexpected turn for the worst, and he disclosed that two con artists had defrauded him out of 700,000 Kenyan Shillings.

He went on to name a father and his three kids as the people who, according to him, owed him Ksh 800,000 for a plot of property that he had sold them. The teacher of English literature insisted that there was one way for him to escape his predicament.

“I have suffered disgrace and destitution during my whole life, and now I go to rest in peace.” The message was penned, and part of it stated as follows: “My wife has alternative arrangements about my burial.”

A group of divers were capable of successfully extract the corpse of the dead from the pond, and it was then transported to the morgue.

Officers of the law have commenced an inquiry into his passing and the assertions made in the suicide note; a statement with decisive findings is anticipated once the post-mortem results have been obtained.

People urged that a barrier be built around the well or that it be completely sealed off from the general public since it was responsible for the deaths of multiple people when it was first constructed.

A number of Kenyans, including his former pupils and colleagues, paid tribute to him by saying that he was an easy-going person as well as an exceptional educator who had a significant influence on their lives.