Saturday, July 27, 2024

Drama unfolds as two men carrying bibles undress,  climb a tree inside Nakuru Central Police Station


Drama ensued in Nakuru after two men with a bible took off their clothes  and climbed Police station tree

Drama ensued in Nakuru after two men with a bible took off their clothes and began preaching to one another before climbing a tree in a police station compound.

On Friday morning, there was a tense situation unfolded at the Nakuru Central Police Station when two males stripped off their clothes and climbed a tree within the station’s fence.

The guys, each of whom was carrying a Bible, began giving sermons while law enforcement officials sought to get them to come down from the tree.

The location was cordoned off by the police in order to prevent members of the general public who were interested in seeing the event from entering.

After much effort, the cops were able to provide them clothing to put on, at which point they were asked to come down.

After being up in the air for more than eight hours, the two eventually made their way down and were brought inside to be questioned.

It had not been determined, at the time that this report was published, what their motivation was.