Saturday, July 27, 2024

Nick Mwendwa back to FKF through backdoor, officials lament


Nick Mwendwa at FKF
Nick Mwendwa at FKF

Football stakeholders now want Ababu Namwamba, the cabinet secretary for sports, to reveal the specifics of the deal that FIFA and Kenya reached to end Kenya’s international ban.

They also want to know whether Nick Mwendwa’s reinstatement to the Football Kenya Federation was part of the agreement.

This comes after a judge dismissed a graft prosecution against Mwendwa for stealing Sh38 million.

Mwendwa was exonerated of all accusations by former Kiambu Senior Principal Magistrate Wilson Rading and has subsequently moved to Naivasha. Rading said that the case against Mwendwa was illegal, unethical, unjustified, and exploitation of the legal system.

On November 31, 2021, Mwendwa resigned as president of the FKF, passing the reins of the organisation to his assistant, Doris Petra.

Mwendwa and FKF CEO Barry Otieno were unavailable for comment when reached by phone and text.

Mwendwa’s reinstatement to the federation, according to Nicholas Musonye, a former long-serving Cecafa Secretary General, is not simple and probably was the topic of discussions between Namwamba and FIFA before the Kenya ban being removed on November 28, last year.

“Kenya and FIFA never made public the arrangement that resulted in the ban being removed. Whether Mwendwa had been convicted of a crime or not, there had to have been a proposal for the next step. Since his comeback is not certain, it should be used to direct the next move,” according to Musonye.

The conclusions taken by Fifa and the Sports Commission ought to be made public, according to former FKF secretary general Lordvick Aduda, so that the federation’s administration and leadership are obvious.

“First, it is incorrect to state that Mwendwa was exonerated because the judge barred the DPP from introducing fresh evidence, resulting in the absence of a charge in court.”

“Mwendwa shouldn’t rejoin the federation because of the scandal and his poor reputation, and I believe this was also considered before the ban was removed,” according to Aduda.

Mwendwa is now free to rejoin the federation, according to Gabriel Mgendi, a member of the FKF NEC for the Coast area.

He said, “The court has finally resolved this question.”

He also demanded the release of the government-Fifa resolutions.

On February 4, Namwamba overturned the federation’s dissolution and ordered Mwendwa to step down from office until his legal matter was resolved.

Mwendwa, however, has taken a leading role in federation matters.