Saturday, July 27, 2024

[VIDEO] Police apprehend a woman for selling 5-day-old infant for Ksh.400,000 along Eastern Bypass


Woman on mask in Kenya stealing children

On a Sunday afternoon, two women are walking down Eastern Bypass and talking to each other before a big meeting with their supposed clients.

The assumption would be erroneous to assume that the woman who is holding the infant is the mother; instead, she is only on the scene to make money.

She was with her pal, who is also our source. According to our informant, the suspect contacted her last Friday and suggested that they hunt for a buyer.

She had no idea that the prospective purchasers were really Kasarani Police Station personnel who had set up a trap for her.

She claims that the grandmother of the kid who is her companion was worried about the payment in a voice recording of the conversation.

In response to the victim’s statement, “Chenye hatutaki ni tukishamalizana ati mtu atajitokeza,” the accused says, “Unajua yeye alikuwa tu na maneno ati hiyo bei ni ya girl alitaka 350,000.”

The perpetrator, named Christine Masika, didn’t bring up the child’s mother throughout their talk, therefore the buyer is interested in learning where she is.

Masika asserts that the mother is a 13-year-old Form Two student who is ill-equipped to take proper care of her little child.

“Kasichana kamejua hivi mimi nimekuja na mtoto nimpelekee children’s home, akulie huko hivyo ndio kuko na mamake ndio anajua… Baadaye akiitisha mtoto… Atampeleka children’s home labda ampangee walihama ama nini vitu kama hizo,” she says.

“Wacha nione kwa hii group yetu sijui mtu alikuwa anataka mtoto msichana ama ako na mtoto msichana, ni group ya WhatsApp ya biashara hii biashara inasaidia,” promises Masika to the purchasers in case they need to get another kid.

She claims that intermediaries help to facilitate this activity, and that in order to guarantee that there isn’t a trace, no contacts are shared with the purchasers.

Thus, Masika states, “Mimi nitatoka kama tumemalizana, so ni mimi na number yenu siezi taka na siezi taka mtake yangu natoka wapi, biashara ni hapo kila mtu aende vile anaenda, aende kivyake.”

During an hour-long encounter, the purchasers persuade her to collect 300,000 shillings in their vehicle and agree to top her up with 100,000 shillings at a restaurant in the Roysambu neighbourhood.

The Kasarani Police Station is where she was taken instead of Roysambu.

“”Huyu mtoto alikuwa ameuzwa 300,000, so bado tunafuatilia ndio tutake kujua yule aliuzwa 300,00 ni wa nani na ako wapi na mwenye kununua ako wapi,” says Muthoni Wahome, the Deputy Sub-County Commander.

Masika first told police that she had saved the infant from a bus while on the road after the child’s mother left.

“I was sitting close to her as we watched Mama Mtoto alishuka Narok na hakurudi kwa gari when Huyo Mtoto sikuchukua bila ruhusa nimekwambia wakaniambia wewe shuka na mtoi came into view.

She informed the police, “Sikufikiria kumpelekee kwa station ya polisi.”

On Tuesday, she is anticipated to be charged in court.

Even though the police are still looking for the baby’s mother and Masika’s partners in the illegal trade, the child has now been sent to a home for kids.