Saturday, July 27, 2024

We will crucify you! Fans tell Yesu Wa Tongaren after joining social media


Bungoma known as Yesu wa Tongaren photo

Eliud Wekesa, a well-known preacher in Bungoma known as Yesu wa Tongaren, has joined the social networking site TikTok.

The outspoken evangelist joined the widely recognised website after receiving a smartphone valued at Ksh 40,000 as a gift from content producer Kiddo in response to his complaints that the media were clamouring to interview him but abandoning him with nothing.

More than 2500 people followed him, and that figure is increasing minute by minute.

Netizens took warmly to the account, with some suggesting that having “Yesu” in this age of social media is a godsend since everyone can now watch his “miracles”.

Others made fun of him, saying that now that he was online, it was time for ‘Yesu’ to think about paying writers to write up his life and publish a holy book.

Before spoof accounts started to appear, several requested that the social media site confirm that his account belonged to the actual “Yesu.”

“I’m looking forward to the difficulties he’ll be taking on because we’ve truly come to love this Jesus, and I just don’t understand it,” noted Cyd Wambui.

According to Mwisukue Wa Atwoli, he may now use the platform to keep up with the “son of God’ author’s writing:

“At least because of him, I can join TikTok!”

Others humorously warned him that he would be crucified in July, alluding to his prior comments made at Easter when the pastor addressed an alleged plot to have him executed over the Easter break.

At the moment, Wekesa insisted that he would not suffer a second death because of human wrongdoing.

Wekesa said this at his residence in the hamlet of Lukokhwe. “Jesus suffered execution only once, and now that I have arrived for the second time, it has been written that I came to rescue the people who await me, not to be crucified because of their transgressions a second time,” he added.

The self-declared messiah also disputed the scheduling of Easter celebrations, claiming that they should begin on July 28 and go until July 30.

Simba Wa Tandale: Anaaga, month of July.

Sàms Tàkàh: Tuko na yeye in July.

Others cautioned him that social media is not for the timid, while others prepared him for encounters with people like Andrew Kibe online.