Saturday, July 27, 2024

My son’s wealth is in my genitals I sleep with him every Wednesday, ritualist mother reveal

Ajak, a 42-year-old South Sudanese lady who only goes by her name, has publicly admitted to having slept with her son on several occasions.

At the moment, Ajak and her son, Abel, reside in the Netherlands. This has been taking place so that the son may keep his wealth.

She said that for the previous 14 years, she had been having fun with her son Abel every Wednesday. She also said that the child was going to forfeit his money and unexpectedly pass away the day she stopped.

Ajak, a native of Dinka, acknowledged that she was the foundation for her son’s achievement. She complies with this by giving him her bare skin once a week, as directed by the witch doctor who gave him his wealth.

My son sleep with me photo

According to the pastor of Great Kingdom Church in the Netherlands, she allegedly testified once in church. It is said that the pastor prayed for her.

She returned to being the guardian of her son’s wealth, notwithstanding making the admission out of concern that he would suffer and pass away terribly. For the betterment of the son’s life and fortune, she prolonged their intimate connection.

She admitted to having slept with her son, Abel, starting in 2002, when she spoke to the media. His transport company, which has now developed significantly, had just been launched. He currently has a fleet of small vehicles, buses, and trucks.

“We have $ex every Wednesday, so we do it inside my house, where the spell was buried,” she said.

The cost, according to Ajak,”  is that all of our arduously acquired fortunes will disappear overnight if I quit sleeping with him. My son will likewise experience a terrible death.”