Saturday, July 27, 2024

Guardian Angel: Because I married an older lady, I was expelled from church by pastor

Guardian Angel and Esther Musila

Guardian Angel spoke, “I detested the religion and was expelled for marrying an older lady. 

Gospel musician Guardian Angel has opened up about how he used to get abuse in the church for being married to an older woman.
Speaking at the opening of his new record company, “7 Heaven Music,” Angel said that he temporarily stopped attending church as a result of the abuse.
“I went to a church to sing, and while there, I experienced mistreatment. Upon my arrival, the pastor informed me that I was not allowed to sing or walk on the altar as per the elders’ instructions. 
“After a half hour of arguments, the pastor agreed that I could sing.” Part of what Angel stated was, “When I started, the pastor got angry again and tried to grab my microphone, but his wife called him down.”
“The pastor took the microphone after I was done, but he never recognized that I had just completed singing. I hated the church after that.”
The musician went on to say that the experience had made him promise he would never attend church again.
“I began to doubt myself, thinking that I did not deserve to sing in church for God, Kwani Kuoa bibi yangu kunaweza fanya mpaka nisiende mbinguni? 
“After returning home with my spouse, I informed her that I would not be entering a church again. 
“I declared that I would never set foot in a church. It is finished, Mambo ya Kanisa na mimi. 
“My wife persisted in attending her church, even though I mentioned I would be praying in my bedroom,” he continued.
Guardian went on to say that after meeting Pastor Ababu, who is now his spiritual father, his life took a different direction.
According to him, despite all the negative things being spoken about him, Ababu still consented to walk with him.
“I ran across pastor Ababu during a birthday celebration…You thrill me as a fan does, and I have never seen a preacher do that. I made him very pleased.”
He carried on telling; “After that, the pastor who had expelled me went and got an impregnated Mpango wa Kando somewhere.” 
“This helped me realize that I was the one who was battling, not myself, which was why I was reluctant to attend to church. 
“I understood that the reason he despised me was because of his personal troubles, and the devil was using that to get rid of me from the church.
Thanks to the pastor, who even performed his marriage to Esther Musila, Angel has returned to church.
“Afterwards, Pastor Ababu phoned me and informed me that nobody, not even God’s servants, supported my marriage. 
” He gave me his word that he would support me through the marriage to this woman and that everything would be well.
“Despite several individuals battling him, he brought me to his church.And now that pastor Ababu has stood by me, I am standing here returning to the church and praising for God. I really appreciate that,” he remarked.
The contentious worry expressed by Guardian Angel over young people marrying their classmates. 
According to gospel musician Guardian Angel, there is no chance that he and Esther Musila would divorce because they get along well and are really in love. 
” I’d thank God! ” Guardian Angel on Esther Musila’s potential for parenthood. 
The gospel performer and his spouse are 19 years apart in age.