Saturday, July 27, 2024

After an ugly breakup, Georgina Njenga hints at reuniting with her ex-boyfriend Tyler Mbaya

Georgina Njenga about her relationship with ex-boyfriend Tyler Mbaya

The latest statements made by Georgina Njenga about her relationship with ex-boyfriend Tyler Mbaya suggest that the door may not be completely shut on their romance.

The content creator told Nicholas Kioko that, given the unexpected turns in life that led to their separation, she is not totally against the idea of reconciling with Mbaya.

Sure, things occurred, but that’s the way life is, so we got over it. The mother of one said, “Hata nikimmiss, those are memories, and at least Astara will grow up to say that we were there.” She added that life continually goes on.

“In life, I suppose you could argue that you never know. Life Huwezi Plania.’ Leo naeza kuwa nimeplan hatutarudiana alafu turudiane ama niseme hapa hatuezi rudiana nayeye alafu turudiane,” she continued.

When asked about her relationship with Tyler’s future, Georgina said she was unsure and would let fate decide.

“Maybe one day; however, fate does have a hand in it. Basically, I have no strategy for my life. It was part of my plan, but I lost the primary key, so I’m not sure whether it will work out or not. I still haven’t finished dealing with it, however,” Georgina said.

In a previous interview, Georgina discussed the breakup.

They decided to separate for a variety of reasons, as the mother of one explained, and it was a mutual choice.

According to Georgina, there wasn’t just one factor that led to their breakup.

“I won’t go into details, but there wasn’t a particular cause; it was simply not functioning, and there were just accumulated issues,” she said.

She stressed that neither partner left the other; rather, they came to a mutually agreeable decision that their relationship was not working, and she said that they had even sought their family’s help in an effort to save their relationship.

“We sat down and felt hii imeenda; we tried talking for so long, but… We tried to involve family,” she added.

A kid should not be the only justification to stay in an unhealthy relationship, she said.

You may co-parent without letting a kid force you to remain in a relationship. Tyler is present in his daughter’s life and loves her. “Even when I was pregnant, I knew he would be there,” she said.

Njenga addressed speculation that Tyler Mbaya’s highly publicised gambling issue played a role in their separation by stating that they had already decided to stop the relationship before the controversy surfaced.

“Aai, we broke up before the gambling issue; ilihappen before data ikihappen watu walienda kuangalia, data the unfollowing came before,” she dispelled the rumours.

“I knew he was gambling, but that is his side to talk about; I won’t address that,” according to her.