Friday, July 26, 2024

Thieves steal two coffins inside Marhaba mosque in Bakarani, Mombasa, as Police launch manhunt

Marhaba mosque in Bakarani, Mombasa

The police in the Kisauni area of ​​Mombasa are investigating a case where unknown people have stolen two coffins for carrying dead bodies and 10 construction sheets from the Marhaba mosque in Bakarani yesterday.

According Marhaba village elder Mohamed Hamid, they discovered the disappearance of the two coffins made of aluminum metal, when they wanted to carry the dead bodies that had already been brought to the mosque and even prayed.
 He said that they are planning to make a special prayer in the name of ‘albadiri’, to curse those responsible for the robbery who said that it is not normal.
” Tumeshangazwa na tukio hili. Halijawahi fanyika. Kwasasa tutafanya maombi ya Albadiri na tutamjua aliyeiba jeneza hizo,” the village elder said.