Saturday, July 27, 2024

[VIDEO] Tanzania pastor summoned Michael Jackson’s spirit, possessed young man, and began to dance

A famous pastor in Tanzania has shocked congregants after sending the spirit of a top musician to him to remove his demons. 

Drama in Tanzania began after the pastor summoned the spirit of Michael Jackson to possess one of her church members. The young man started dancing immediately.

Michael jackson of Tanzania in church

Church members began to wonder what the man of God could do in the church.


“Tulishangazwa na tukio hilo. “Pastor Aliomba upako wa Michael Jackson na mvulana huyo akaanza kucheza kama Michael Jackson Kanisani,” said a congregant who wished to remain anonymous.

Last month, the pastor prayed for a man who had been praying for a wife, and last week, the man finally found his spouse. The spouse came to his house, spent some time together, and the following Sunday, they were in church for engagement prayers.

People on social media were keen to point out a few things from that sermon. 

“Lazima hi ni drama, how and why would a pastor sermon a demon into someone instead of casting it out? So the choir had already prepared MJ music too,” @OngongR said.

“If someone can summon a spirit, should you be afraid of them and stay away from them because they might use the same method to make your life miserable? If that is the case, they actually did that,” said Reuben Antony.

Below is a video of the famous preacher and his miracles.