Saturday, July 27, 2024

Angry youths almost lynched Andrew Kibe, Mike Sonko saved the rogue blogger

When a mob of irate youths attacked blogger Andrew Kibe during his TikTok live broadcast on Monday, former Nairobi governor Mike Sonko felt compelled to step in.

According to a video that this writer saw, Sonko calmed down a crowd that was ready to “teach” Kibe a lesson because of their past disagreement. 

While Kibe was interviewing the former County Boss at a restaurant along Ngong Road during the TikTok live session, an enraged crowd said to be from Kibra rushed the area and demanded that Kibe be ejected.

Following Sonko’s convincing, the raucous youths who claimed to have learned about the interview from Kibe’s social media accounts were compelled to leave the area.
When one of the teens stopped the interview to express his desire to lynch the blogger for his provocative comments on popular topics, the situation almost escalated into an ugly altercation.

He has been rather low-key recently, the colourful politician noted during the interview, because he is unemployed.

An online battle broke out between Sonko and Kibe last year when the former governor asked Kibe to stop bringing up his name and stop prying into his personal life on his YouTube programme.
According to Sonko, Kibe has a history of verbal and physical assaults on female Kenyan celebrities.
“Your words have been carefully listened to. I’m not stupid. Keep off my private life. I am a brand to myself. I don’t need to show it off. Stop attacking women. The other day, you were attacking Bahati, a young man trying to earn a living. You attacked Kamene Goro, Millicent Omanga, and Karen Nyamu. What is wrong with you? You are full of gossip,” Sonko said.
As a form of revenge, Kibe uploaded a video in which he harshly criticised the politician, describing him as a failure and telling him to lower his pride.
The interview, which was broadcast live on Sonko’s Twitter account, showed that the two had put aside their issues and were even joking and sharing beverages.