Saturday, July 27, 2024

Gatundu South MP Gabriel Kagombe hospitalised after shooting people dead, locals protested for MPs arrests

Gatundu South MP shot dead two people

Gatundu South MP Gabriel Kagombe was rushed to the hospital after suffering acute trauma from shooting people in Thika.

After allegedly shooting two people dead, the MP suffered shock, a heart condition, and trauma, leading to his admission. Chaos erupted when supporters from different MPs clashed, leaving a chaotic scene. 

Widespread protests erupt in Thika, demanding the arrest of MPs Alice Ng’ang’a, GG Kagombe, and Kimani Ichung’wa.

Gatundu South MP Gabriel Kagombe in hospital

This follows an incident where MP GG Kagombe allegedly shot and killed two people.

Demonstrators took to the streets in various areas and voiced their anger, calling for immediate legal action against the MPs involved.

The shooting incident has intensified public outrage, with protesters decrying politicians’ impunity.

Residents are particularly incensed by the slow response from authorities, and they are pushing for accountability and justice for the victim.

The situation escalated to the point where demonstrators called for the arrest of MPs, as well as broader reforms to address such incidents of violence and misconduct by elected officials.