Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kilifi County Governor’s Cup allocated Sh 35 million, where did the prize money go?


Kilifi county governors cup

According to sources, the County Government of Kilifi, led by Gideon Maitha Mung’aro, has embezzled over Sh30 million in sports funds.

The Kilifi County Governor’s Cup allegedly received a budget of Sh35 million, yet half of this amount remains unaccounted for.

The sources assert that despite the tournament finals taking place a month ago, the winners have yet to receive their prizes. The budget for this tournament was Ksh 35 million.

The ward club winners should have received 50,000 shillings each; the ward winners should have received 100,000 shillings; and the main county winners should have received 500,000 shillings.

No club has received any money since the finals. These young boys and girls forfeited their time to play football for almost a year.

Sources also hinted to blogger Nyakundi: “The governor has not given any word on it; the CECM of Youths and Sports is not providing any direction; the chief officer is a big disappointment in the department; and the director seems to be just a name receiving a monthly salary and allowances.”

The players from the respective clubs are now wondering after spending 10 months playing. Did Ksh. 35 million just vanish without cash prizes for the winners?