Saturday, July 27, 2024

[VIDEO] Shift your manufacturing to Uganda, export duty-free to Kenya, Kimani Kuria tells angry manufacturers


Molo MP Kimani Kuria photo

Molo MP Kimani Kuria tells motor vehicle owners that they will have to pay motor vehicle tax, whether they like it or not. The legislator stated that the tax would remain in place.

The MP boasted about his close relationship with the President, claiming that they had already discussed the move in parliament and that the bill would pass.

The MP also called on the manufacturers to resist their negative statements on the Finance Bill 2024. 

“Shift your manufacturing business to Uganda and export to Kenya duty-free.” After the uproar over the Finance Bill 2024, Finance and National Planning Committee Chairman Kimani Kuria gave this advice to manufacturers.

Kenyans raised concerns about public participation online, saying it is merely a formal exercise, but the UDA already determines the outcome of every bill.


Below are the reactions: 

“When Raila calls people takataka, we scream. Now this one wants us to be consumers of products from outside but raise revenue collection locally,” Donjack posted on X.

“Who elected these guys? So they shift to other countries to create employment there, not here?” he added.

“This man also said” that they’re introducing taxes on bread because it’s the leading cause of diabetes,” Githinji said on Facebook.

“That shows the problem has been building up for almost a year for the whole country to be in that situation. And the whole administration seems casual, wearing suits, and whose driving what,” he added.


“Nothing new. He said you can walk if you don’t want to pay car tax. The level of arrogance within KK is toxic. You can imagine in public hosi lacking vaccines for newborns, anaesthetics for theatre, almost all essential drugs are missing, and KE always has 8 months stock at anytime,” Waweru posted on Twitter.