Saturday, July 27, 2024

US-KENYA Navy base attacked by Al-Shabaab in Manda, Lamu County

Navy base attacked by Al-Shabaab
Navy base attacked by Al-Shabaab. PHOTO | BMS

US -Kenya based navy base attacked by Al-Shabaab in Manda, Lamu Country.

Al Shabaab militants launched a 4 am attack on the Manda-Magogoni naval base in Lamu County on Sunday, Lamu County Commissioner Irungu Macharia confirmed.

He said the heavily armed terrorists invaded Camp Simba, which has a US military presence, early Sunday morning.
Cases of casualties or injuries are yet to be established.
The Somalia-based terror group has claimed the attack on Camp Simba.

Mr Macharia said he was heading to the scene and would give more details once he got there.