Saturday, July 27, 2024

Police arrest COVID-19 positive hearse driver after two weeks disappearance

The Driver who tested positive, two weeks on the run
The Driver who tested positive, two weeks on the run. FILE

Narok Police arrested a hearse driver who had fled from isolation two weeks ago after tested positive for coronavirus.

KNA says,  the driver was arrested while transporting I5 mourners and a body to Homabay for burial.
The driver works for Exodus Funeral Services based in Kamukunji Nairobi. 
Narok County Police Commandant Fredrick Siundu said police were tipped the driver would stop at Narok. 
The driver disappeared after getting the results of Covid-19. He was tested positive. 
 “The driver was tested for Covid-19 on 7th June in Kisumu while he was on duty; he tested positive for coronavirus, but since the results were out, the driver went missing,” said Siundu. 
Police waited for the driver at Narok and upon stopping, they arrested him.
“I got information from my colleagues that the driver was on his way to Homa Bay via the Maai Mahiu – Narok highway. We had suspected that he would stop in Narok for some meals and when he stopped, we nabbed him immediately,” said the Sub County Commandant.