Friday, July 26, 2024

New Kitui Catholic Bishop Rev Joseph Mwongela gifted Sh6.5 million Land Cruiser by fellowships


new Kitui Catholic Bishop Rev Joseph Mwongela Sh6.5 million Land Cruiser vehicle photos
New Kitui Catholic Bishop Rev Joseph Mwongela Sh6.5 million Land Cruiser vehicle gift. FILE


A Christian fellowship on Saturday gifted new Kitui Catholic Bishop Rev Joseph Mwongela Sh6.5 million Land Cruiser vehicle during his coronation following his appointment on March 17.

He was given the car keys by Mr Charles Mulila, the chairman of Kitui Christians, who merged money to purchase the car, at St Charles Lwanga School, Kitui.

The service, led by the Pope’s representative in Kenya Archbishop Hurbertus Van Megen, was testified by His Eminence John Cardinal Njue and Mwongela’s predecessor Archbishop Antony Muheria.

President Uhuru Kenyatta sent a congratulatory message through Devolution CS Eugene Wamalwa. In attendance were governors Charity Ngilu (Kitui), Alfred Mutua (Machakos) and Kivutha Kibwana (Makueni).


New Kitui Catholic Bishop Rev Joseph Mwongela ordination
Bishop Mwongela lies prostrate on the floor in
supplication during his ordination as Archbishop Hurbertus Van Megen,
His Eminence John Cardinal Njue and Archbishop Antony Muheria kneel
before him. FILE

Devolution CS Eugene Wamalwa, Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua, Kitui Governor Charity Ngilu and Makueni Governor Kivutha Kibwana

Devolution CS Eugene Wamalwa, Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua, Kitui
Governor Charity Ngilu and Makueni Governor Kivutha Kibwana. FILE