Saturday, July 27, 2024

Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko arrest news is a hoax says communications director Jacob Elkana


Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko photo with MCAs at KICC
Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko with MCAs at KICC.  PHOTO | FILE

Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko MCAs arrests come after being involved in a confrontation with police at the Office Park, Nairobi, during a press briefing gathering.

Statements show that numerous gunshots were fired in the air purportedly to scatter the MCAs who were meeting with the Nairobi Governor.

The governor’s communications director, Jacob Elkana, explained the circumstances leading up to the reported arrest.

“The governor was at Office Park for a meeting with several MCAs. That’s when a contingent of armed police suddenly appeared, ” he said.

“All hell broke loose. The police fired several teargas canisters and shot in the air. They roughed up the MCAs. However, the Governor was not arrested,” he described.

He affirmed that the continuing reports that the Nairobi Governor is currently under police custody are fake news.

“The police stormed the area and beat up several MCAs at random. Shots were fired, however, the stories going around that the governor was arrested are false,” he added.

Various media houses had reported that the Governor was arrested and hurried away by the police.