Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kilifi ODM officials plot to overthrow Aisha Jumwa from Kadu Asili for Governor Amason Kingi


Amason Kingi, Raila Odinga and Hassan Joho Photo

Kilifi Governor Amason Kingi, his brother Magarini MP Michael Kingi, Kilifi South MP Ken Chonga and Kilifi ODM secretariat blocks Malindi MP Aisha Jumwa party KADU ASILI at the court.

Kilifi Governor Amason Kingi through the party organs petitioned Hon Aisha Jumwa challenging her leadership of the party.

After the Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho and the Mr Kingi promised to come up with a coastal based party in June, the duo and their insiders clashed where majority proposed joining an existing party. 

Kilifi Governor through his Personal Assistant convened an emergency meeting last week with the ODM county officials brainstorming the possible exit and the existing Political parties selection.

They came up with KADU ASILI as the only option. Governor Kingi through his proxies went to court to block Hon. Aisha Jumwa as acting Party leader to pave way for others.

The two governors are attempting to inherit Jumwa at KADU ASILI ahead of the coming elections.

” Starting a political party now where we only have less than two years to election is hard. So we started the move to kick-out Aisha Jumwa and his people which include Kwale Governor Salim Mvurya from KADU ASILI, ” an insider said.

This week ODM leader Raila Odinga convened a meeting at Convent International Hotel where Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho attended.

In the meeting, insiders say the ODM chief ordered his lieutenants to look for all possible ways for the party to remain relevant ahead of the upcoming polls.

He added that those who feel the party is no more in their areas to come up with local parties to encounter the problem and create a coalition with ODM in 2022.


” We want to be stronger in 2022. We want to have a coalition with many candidates ahead of the forthcoming polls. Look for all ways possible, ” ODM leader Raila Odinga said.


” Frustrate those who decamped or will move to Deputy President William Ruto. Just make sure they do not get back their seats or any other seat in 2022, ” ODM chief added. 

The ODM national delegates meeting fuelled the move of taking KADU ASILI to court blocking Aisha Jumwa and her allies from joining paving way for Govenor Amason Kingi and his Mombasa Counterpart.

” We are still thinking about the way forward. We have been distracted in our quench for coast political party. In six months, we will have an answer. Its either we form a new party or push and existing party. All are still on the table, ” Kilifi Governor Amason Kingi said to an insider on phone.

On regards to new ODM elite at the county, Lands CAS Gideon Mung’aro, the ODM officials said the CAS has no enough roots at the county to floor other candidates.

” We cannot have Gideon Mung’aro as agenda in our meetings. He will be out before noon. We are looking for another candidate who can match and inherit the incumbent governor smoothly, ” an ODM official at the county said but sought anonymity.

” We are working hard to destabilise political temperatures rose within the county. We are waiting for the six months our governor promised. Then we will join the rest in campaigns, ” the Official added.

Distracting the debate on the ODM lieutenants kick out Hon. Jumwa plan, Kilifi youth leader Samir Nyundo said the move is calculated from Tangatanga wing to sell United Democratic Party(UDA).

” They received a call from Karen. We know them. They were directed to support UDA. They thought the possible way is to go to court, block themselves and blame ODM from their woes, ” Nyundo said.

” ODM has nothing to do with KADU ASILI. They are planning their way to confuse people and also have a way out. We are waiting for Governor Amason Kingi to give us the party ahead of the 2022 polls, ” he added.