Saturday, July 27, 2024

Senator Gideon Moi crowned as a Talai elder and Kalenjin Kingpin at his home, Kabarak


Baringo Senator Gideon Moi photo

Baringo Senator Gideon Moi was on Friday morning crowned as a Kalenjin elder and kingpin by Talai Elders.

The crack-of-dawn ritual which took around three hours at Moi’s Kabarak home saw the senator get the communities’ instruments of power and the command to seek the country’s top job.

The instruments include Sambut(a shield with a leopard skin), Rungut (a club), Nogirwet (a leadership staff), Sharit (an ordinary stick), Ngecheret (a three-legged stool), Kipkaliangit (a flywhisk) and Kutwet (a monkey-skin hat).

A similar event had been stopped on Saturday, January 2 after youths blocked Senator Moi from meeting with the Talai elders.

They blocked the entrance to the residence of Councilor Christopher Arap Koyoki.

Reports indicate that the councillor was to install Senator Moi as the official Kalenjin leader, a position said to be occupied by DP Ruto.

The Senator was forced to turn back after furious youths blocked his escort.

He later continued to Kabiyet Trading Centre to socialise with other youth before he left the area.

On June 7 last year, Talai elders led by Retired Anglican cleric James Baasi said the Kalenjin kingship was now with the deputy president.

Rev. Baasi said the DP had been inaugurated as the community kingpin following the death of former President Daniel Arap Moi.