Saturday, July 27, 2024

Incoming Senator George Kithi grace Women’s day event assuring aid to women businesses and leadership


Kilifi Senator aspirant and lawyer George Kithi latest news  photos

During the International Women’s Day celebrations, Kilifi county women celebrated it in style after they failed to do the same last year because of the global pandemic.

Addressing women and other leaders at Jumuiya Resort Mtwapa, Kilifi Senator aspirant and lawyer George Kithi said the county needs a complete overhaul and have an administration that will only represent people but not integrating cartels.

At the event, CAS Gideon Mung’aro and Kilifi Women rep Gertrude Mbeyu were also present. 

Lawyer Kithi reiterated the need to have a better bridge between the national government and the county making sure people have enough while checking the administration expenditure.

Other present reiterated that the county of Kilifi will need fresh minds to spearhead the development of county rated among the poorest counties in the country. 

On the side talks, Kithi reaffirmed the move to re-establish the dead Agricultural sector at the Coast by introducing bills at the Senate that will help to list the local crops among the first scheduled crops.

He also promised to push for the revival of the dead firms in the county which include the Cassava processing firm at Mazeras and Kilifi Cashewnuts. 

His statements come after Matuga MP Tandaza, Kassim Sawa pushed for Bixa farming at the national assembly under the crops amendment.