Friday, July 26, 2024

Police overpowered as huge crowd storm UDA offices over an alleged Ngirici chopper debt auction

Kirinyaga residents storming UDA offices demanding Purity Ngirici to talk photo.

Kirinyaga Police officers on Tuesday faced a tough test as a huge crowd assembled outside Kirinyaga UDA party offices.

The multitude gathered after reports appeared online that auctioneers had stormed the home of Kirinyaga Women Representative Purity Ngirici attempting to seize household items over a Sh 5 million debt owed to a helicopter company.

It took the efforts of MP Ngirici’s husband, General Andrew Peter Ngirici to calm the crowd that had gathered to know the whereabouts and status of their MP.

Police officers from Kirinyaga who had come at the offices to contain the crowd were forced to watch in disbelief as thousands of those who had turned up demanded to be addressed by Peter Ngirici before they could leave.

Kirinyaga residents storming UDA offices demanding Purity Ngirici to talk photo.

“The government has warned there is no meeting, I humbly ask you to break away so that we can avoid confrontations with the police. I know you want to know what happened but I want to tell you that I am okay and you MP Purity Ngirici is also well,” said Peter Ngirici.

Peter added that he had rent out his house in Karen and that the person who had occupied it is the one who had his house stormed. He dismissed allegations saying his family is staying in Muthaiga and not Karen as reported by the media.

“Those are the works of haters and sellouts trying to taint my name but I can assure you we are okay and together,” he added.

However, the police bosses had a tough time trying to persuade the crowd to disperse due to covid-19 protocols. The crowd shouted back at the officers, forcing one of the forces to switch into the Kikuyu dialect to convince them to obey the protocols.